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Not just where to klick

Teaching Students How to Think about Information
Troy A. Swanson, Heather Jagman , local 
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Not just where to klickNot Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think about Information explores how librarians and faculty work together to teach students about the nature of expertise, authority, and credibility. It provides practical approaches for motivating students to explore their beliefs, biases, and ways of interpreting the world.
This book also includes chapters that bridge the gap between the epistemological stances and threshold concepts held by librarians and faculty, and those held by students, focusing on pedagogies that challenge students to evaluate authority, connect to prior knowledge and construct new knowledge in a world of information abundance. Authors draw from a deep pool of perspectives including social psychology, critical theory, and various philosophical traditions.
Contributors to the nineteen chapters in this volume offer a balance of theoretical and applied approaches to teaching information literacy, supplying readers with accessible and innovative ideas ready to be put into practice.
Not Just Where to Click is appropriate for all types of academic libraries, and is also suitable for library and information science curricula and collections.
Von Klappentext im Buch Not just where to klick (2015)

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Bibliotheklibrary , confirmation bias , Informationinformation , Informationskompetenzinformation literacy , Turnitin

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