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Engaging the Eye Generation

Visual Literacy Strategies for the K-5 Classroom
Johanna Riddle , local 
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Engaging the Eye GenerationLiteracy in the twenty-first century means more than just reading and writing. Today´s students must learn how to interpret and communicate information through a variety of digital and print-based media formats, using imagery, online applications, audio, video, and traditional texts. In Engaging the Eye Generation, library media specialist and National Board Certified Teacher Johanna Riddle draws on twenty-five years of education experience to show teachers how to update the curriculum for twenty-first century learners. Technology neophytes need not despair. Johanna suggests enhancements ranging from low-tech to high-tech and explains how teachers, even those with limited technology skills, can effectively guide students to proficiency. Each chapter - filled with meaningful and motivating activities - thoughtfully explains how to elevate traditional learning and add new layers to students´ reading comprehension, critical thinking, and communication skills. Through proven methods and practical examples, teachers will discover how to:
  • use multiple literacies to weave together standards and disciplines;
  • identify and apply appropriate tools to ensure relevant information literacy;
  • integrate information and research skills; and
  • design rubrics collaboratively with students so all learners can effectively assess the learning process.
To help students meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving world, teachers must become comfortable in the twenty-first-century learning community. Engaging the Eye Generation isaccessible, manageable, and inspiring; it will help teachers bridge the generational gap with enthusiasm and savvy. Engaging the Eye Generation takes a fresh approach to infusing twenty-first century skills into the classroom. In addition to practical examples of lessons and units, Johanna shares her own learning process, which will allow the reader to easily adopt the best practices outlined in the book] Her attention to sound pedagogical practices, with an emphasis on both visual and information literacy, will support teachers as they move their students toward the skills they will need to succeed!
Von Klappentext im Buch Engaging the Eye Generation (2009)

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KB IB clear
Bilder , Informationskompetenzinformation literacy , LehrerInteacher

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Schule, Unterricht

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