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Action Research and Reflective Practice

Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning
Paul McIntosh , local 
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Action Research and Reflective PracticeThe use of reflection as a tool to support and develop practice is becoming increasingly recognised across education, healthcare and the social sciences. Reflection is assumed to create depth of knowledge and meaning, both for self and those practised upon. Running alongside the use of reflection is the prevalent use of action research which some see as a way of approaching the study of human beings from a philosophical perspective, in which sharing takes place within mutually supportive environments. As a result, many academics and practitioners suggest that one cannot improve the methodology of action research without considering philosophical reflection.
In Action Research and Reflective Practice, the author argues that reflective practice and action research can become mechanistic in their use unless fresh creative approaches are employed. Exploring the tension between the use of evidence-based practice, based upon solid ‘objective’ research, and reflection, with its ‘subjectivity’ and personal perception, this book argues that reflection is research. The author increases the use and effectiveness of both action research and reflection through the application of new creative and visual approaches.
Action Research and Reflective Practice demonstrates that creative approaches can be utilised effectively in critically reflexive ways, creating a new style of action research that is both innovative and theoretically robust. The resultant approach will improve evidence-based research in education, healthcare and other social sciences to enhance perception and understanding of events, identity and self. This book will be highly beneficial to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as educational and social researchers, across a broad range of subjects within the social sciences.
Von Klappentext im Buch Action Research and Reflective Practice (2010)

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KB IB clear
Edward de Bono

KB IB clear
action researchaction research , Hierarchy of Evidence , Leib-Seele-Problem , ökonomisches Kapital
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1991 Serious Creativity (Edward de Bono) 14300

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Action Research and Reflective Practice e - - 0 - Bei einer Nebis-Bibliohek ausleihen
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