
Teaching and Learning Edition
(Kathe Pelletier, Mark McCormack, Jamie Reeves, Jenay Robert, Nichole Arbino, with Maha Al-Freih, Camille Dickson-Deane, Carlos Guevara, Lisa Koster, Melchor Sánchez-Mendiola, Lee Skallerup Bessette, Jake Stine) (2022)

2019 Higher Education Edition
(Bryan Alexander, Kevin Ashford-Rowe, Noreen Barajas-Murphy, Gregory Dobbin, Jessica Knott, Mark McCormack, Jeffery Pomerantz, Ryan Seilhamer, Nicole Weber) (2019)

2018 Higher Education Edition
(S. Adams Becker, Malcolm Brown, Eden Dahlstrom, Annie Davis, Kristi DePaul, Veronica Diaz, Jeffery Pomerantz) (2018)

Horizon Report 2014 K-12 Edition
(Laurence F. Johnson, S. Adams Becker, V. Estrada, A. Freeman) (2014)

The Horizon Report 2010: Museum Edition
(Laurence F. Johnson, H. Witchey, Rachel S. Smith, Alan Levine, K. Haywood) (2010)

Horizon Report 2010 K-12 Edition
(Laurence F. Johnson, Rachel S. Smith, Alan Levine, K. Haywood) (2010)

Horizon Report 2009 K-12 Edition
(Laurence F. Johnson, Alan Levine, Rachel S. Smith, S. Smythe) (2009)

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