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Active on Facebook and Failing at School?

Meta-Analytic Findings on the Relationship Between Online Social Networking Activities and Academic Achievement
Caroline Marker, Timo Gnambs, Markus Appel
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The current paper presented four meta-analyses on the relationship between SNS use and academic achievement. Our work underscores the notion that SNS use is positively associated with academic achievement as long as SNS use is school-related. This is in contrast to fears of many parents and teachers that the influence of SNS is inevitable detrimental for academic achievement. SNS use unrelated to school, however, was associated with poorer academic achievement. However, all correlations identified in these meta-analyses were rather weak, only a small part of students’ achievement at school and university co-varied with SNS use. A meta-analytic investigation of the time displacement hypothesis found no support for the assumption that the intensity of social media activities is associated with less time spent for studying. Despite the proliferation of SNSs in societies around the world, social networking activities appear to be only weakly related to academic achievement.
Von Caroline Marker, Timo Gnambs, Markus Appel im Text Active on Facebook and Failing at School?
The popularity of social networking sites (SNSs) among adolescents and young adults has raised concerns that the intensity of using these platforms might be associated with lower academic achievement. The empirical findings on this issue, however, are anything but conclusive. Therefore, we present four random-effects meta-analyses including 59 independent samples (total N = 29,337) on the association between patterns of SNS use and grades. The meta-analyses identified small negative effects of ρ^ = − .07, 95% CI [− .12, − .02] for general SNS use and ρ^ = − .10, 95% CI [− .16, − .05] for SNS use related to multitasking. General SNS use was unrelated to the time spent studying for school (ρ^ = − .03, 95% CI [− 0.11, 0.06]) and no support for the time displacement hypothesis could be found in a meta-analytical mediation analysis. SNS use for academic purposes exhibited a small positive association, ρ^ = .08, 95% CI [.02, .14]. Hypotheses with regard to cross-cultural differences were not supported.
Von Caroline Marker, Timo Gnambs, Markus Appel im Text Active on Facebook and Failing at School?

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facebook , Instagram , Metaanalysemeta-analysis , MultitaskingMultitasking , Schuleschool , SchulerfolgAcademic Achievement , social media / Soziale Mediensocial networking software , Twitter

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