Teacher Knowledge for Teaching with TechnologyA TPACK Lens
Margaret L. Niess
Zu finden in: Educational Technology, Teacher Knowledge, and Classroom Impact, 2012
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Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK) is a dynamic lens that describes teacher knowledge
required for designing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum and instruction with technology.
TPACK strategic thinking incorporates knowing when, where, and how to use domain-specific knowledge
and strategies for guiding students’ learning with appropriate digital, information and communication
technologies. This chapter maps historical responses to the question of the knowledge teachers need for
teaching amid the emerging views of and challenges with TPACK. A review of empirical progress serves
to illuminate potential insights, values, and challenges for directing future research designed to identify
a teacher’s learning trajectory in the development of a more robust and mature TPACK for teaching with
current and emerging information and communication technologies.
Von Margaret L. Niess im Buch Educational Technology, Teacher Knowledge, and Classroom Impact (2012) im Text Teacher Knowledge for Teaching with Technology Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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