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This paper focuses on an aspect which has been neglected, but which is decisive: The transfer of knowledge to different stakeholders; especially the transfer of insights derived from information visualization tools. In knowledge management the transfer of knowledge is a core process, which can be improved by using our innate abilities to process visual representations. The potential of visualizations are manifold. But business managers miss a holistic framework on the use of visualization methods for information exploration and communication tasks. This paper analyzes how architects use visualizations to amplify cognition and to transfer knowledge. It introduces a mediating framework that brings together isolated research directions and defines the new research focus knowledge visualization. Knowledge visualization examines the use of visualizations for the transfer of knowledge between at least two peoples. We found that the new focus is decisive and has implications for researchers in information visualization and knowledge management.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Text Learning from Architects (2004) This paper defined knowledge visualization and
explained the difference between the research areas
knowledge visualization and information visualization.
In contrast to information visualization, which exploits
our innate abilities to effectively process visual
representation to explore information, knowledge
visualization uses these abilities to improve the transfer
of knowledge between at least two persons or group of
persons. To mediate between different research areas this
paper introduced a knowledge visualization
framework. This framework aims to systemize research,
to identify research gaps and to mediate between
researchers from different fields.
The framework is based on three perspectives: A
Knowledge Type, a Recipient Type and a Visualization
Type Perspective. While the first two taxonomies are
established, the visualization type perspective is new. We
deduced this taxonomy by analyzing how architects use
different complementary visualization types to transfer
knowledge. This taxonomy is promising both for
researchers and practitioners.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Text Learning from Architects (2004) Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
5 Erwähnungen
- Strategy Visualization - A New Research Focus in Knowledge Visualization and a Case Study (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Tube Map Visualization - Evaluation of a Novel Knowledge Visualization Application for the Transfer of Knowledge in Long-Term Projects (Remo A. Burkhard, Michael Meier) (2005)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- 13. Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization - Synergies Between Information and Knowledge Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Knowledge Visualization - The use of complementary visual representations for the transfer of knowledge. A model, a framework, and four new approaches (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft (Tassilo Pellegrini, Andreas Blumauer) (2006)
- Knowledge Visualization - Die nächste Herausforderung für Semantic Web Forschende? (Remo A. Burkhard)
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Learning from Architects: Artikel als Volltext (: , 249 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2014-08-28) |
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