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knowledge visualization knowledge visualization

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Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardKnowledge visualization designates all graphic means that can be used to develop or convey insights, experiences, methods, or skills.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)
Remo A. BurkhardKnowledge Visualization examines the use of visual representations to improve the transfer and creation of knowledge between at least two persons
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization im Text Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization (2005)
Remo A. BurkhardKnowledge Visualization in contrast examines the use of visual representations to improve the transfer and creation of knowledge between at least two persons
Von Remo A. Burkhard in der Dissertation Knowledge Visualization (2005) im Text Frame of Reference auf Seite  23
Remo A. BurkhardWe define knowledge visualization as: Knowledge visualization examines the use of visual representations to improve the transfer of knowledge between at least two persons or group of persons.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Text Learning from Architects (2004)
Knowledge and Information VisualizationKnowledge visualization (KVis) means the result of transformation from information to knowledge, representation of connections and links, designing the space between information elements, development of meaning, creating meaningful structures fitting the contents, helping to generate new knowledge which can be used by people, staff, leaders, decision-makers.
Von Johannes Drosdol, Hans-Jürgen Frank Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Information and Knowledge Visualization in Development and Use of a Management Information System (MIS) for DaimlerChrysler
Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardGenerally speaking, the field of knowledge visualization examines the use of visual representations to improve the creation and transfer of knowledge between at least two people. Knowledge visualization thus designates all graphic means that can be used to construct and convey complex insights. Beyond the mere transport of facts, people who employ knowledge visualization strive to transfer insights, experiences, attitudes, values, expectations, perspectives, opinions and predictions, and this in a way that enables someone else to re-construct, remember and apply these insights correctly.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)


Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardWhile information visualization typically helps to improve information retrieval and access and generally optimizes the presentation of large data sets - particularly in the interaction of humans and computers - knowledge visualization primarily is used to augment knowledgeintensive communication among individuals.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)
Remo A. BurkhardInformation visualization and knowledge visualization are both exploiting our innate abilities to effectively process visual representations. But the way of using these abilities differs: Information visualization aims to explore abstract data and to create new insights. Knowledge visualization in contrast aims to improve the transfer of knowledge between at least two persons or groups of persons.
Von Remo A. Burkhard im Text Learning from Architects (2004)
Martin Jürg EpplerRemo A. BurkhardInformation visualization and knowledge visualization are both exploiting our innate abilities to effectively process visual representations, but the way of using these abilities differs in both domains. Information visualization aims to explore large amounts of abstract (often numeric) data to derive new insights or simply make the stored data more accessible. Knowledge visualization, in contrast, facilitates the transfer and creation of knowledge among people by giving them richer means of expressing what they know.
Von Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard im Text Knowledge Visualization (2004)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
information visualizationinformation visualization(0.24), ETH Science City(0.06)

iconRelevante Personen

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iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Remo A. Burkhard Remo A.
J. Mackinlay J.
S. Card S.
Chaomei Chen Chaomei
B. Spence B.
Kurt Koffka Kurt
Richard Saul Wurmann Richard Saul
William E. Langston William E.
Arthur M. Glenberg Arthur M.
Edward R. Tufte Edward R.
Colin Ware Colin
Stephen M. Kosslyn Stephen M.
Ben Shneiderman Ben
Robert E. Horn Robert E.
K. Börner K.
J. R. Levin J. R.
Martin Jürg Eppler Martin Jürg
Jill H. Larkin Jill H.
Joseph D. Novak Joseph D.
D. B. Gowin D. B.
Gerhard Schmitt Gerhard
George Miller George

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