Measuring the Information Society 2012 |
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The report presents the ICT Development Index (IDI), which ranks countries’ performance
with regard to ICT infrastructure and uptake, and the ICT Price Basket (IPB), a unique metric
that tracks and compares the cost and affordability of ICT services. This edition also features
new data series and analyses concerning revenue and investment in the ICT sector, and
proposes a new methodology using non-conventional data, to measure the world’s
telecommunication capacity.
Von ITU International Telecommunication Union im Buch Measuring the Information Society 2012 (2012) For the fourth consecutive year, this report presents two authoritative benchmarking tools to monitor information society developments worldwide. The ICT Development Index (IDI) ranks 155 countries’ performance with regard to information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and uptake. The ICT Price Basket (IPB) is a unique metric that tracks and compares the cost and affordability of ICT services in more than 160 countries globally. Both the IDI and the IPB combined are powerful measures for benchmarking and explaining differences among countries and within regions when it comes to ICT developments. This year’s edition of the report also features brand new data and analyses on revenue and investment in the ICT sector and proposes a new methodology to measure the world’s telecommunication capacity.
Von Klappentext im Buch Measuring the Information Society 2012 (2012) Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Datendata , digital dividedigital divide , Gesellschaftsociety , ICTICT , ICT Development Index , Informationsgesellschaftinformation society |
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