Beyond ReasonEight Great Problems That Reveal the Limits of Science, 2nd edition
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A mind-bending excursion to the limits of science and mathematics
Are some scientific problems insoluble? In Beyond Reason, internationally acclaimed math and science author A. K. Dewdney answers this question by examining eight insurmountable mathematical and scientific roadblocks that have stumped thinkers across the centuries, from ancient mathematical conundrums such as "squaring the circle," first attempted by the Pythagoreans, to GÅ¡del's vexing theorem, from perpetual motion to the upredictable behavior of chaotic systems such as the weather.
Von Klappentext im Buch Beyond Reason (2004) Are some scientific problems insoluble? In Beyond Reason, internationally acclaimed math and science author A. K. Dewdney answers this question by examining eight insurmountable mathematical and scientific roadblocks that have stumped thinkers across the centuries, from ancient mathematical conundrums such as "squaring the circle," first attempted by the Pythagoreans, to GÅ¡del's vexing theorem, from perpetual motion to the upredictable behavior of chaotic systems such as the weather.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Mathematikmathematics , Wissenschaftscience |
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