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Everyday Innovators

Researching the role of users in shaping ICTs
Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt L. Fortunati, Leslie Haddon, A. Kant, K. Kommonen, Enid Mante, Bartolomeo Sapio ,
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Everyday Innovators

Everyday Innovators explores the active role of people, collectively and individually, in shaping the use of information and communication technologies. It examines issues around acquiring and using that knowledge of users, how we should conceptualise the role of users and understand the forms and limitations of their participation.

  • To what extent should we think of users as being innovative and creative?
  • To what extent is this routine or exceptional, confined to particular group of users or part of many people’s experience of technologies?
  • Where does the nature of the ICT or the particularities of its design impose constraints on the active role that users can play in their interaction with devices and services?
  • Where do the horizons and orientations of the users influence or limit what they want and expect of their ICTs and how they use them?

This book enables a cross-fertilisation of perspectives from different disciplines and aims to provide new insights into the role of users, drawing out both applied and theoretical implications

Von Klappentext im Buch Everyday Innovators (2006)

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ICTICT , Innovationinnovation

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Everyday Innovators D - - 1 2006 1402035101 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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