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Creating the Semantic Web with RDF

Johan Hjelm ,
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Creating the Semantic Web with RDFThis title offers complete guidance for Web and content developers who use Resource Description Framework (RDF) to create Web services, both wired and wireless, for metadata, or data that is maintained by an application. Written by the W3C Fellow charged with making the W3C XML standard work with other open standards, the book demonstrates how RDF and metadata can greatly improve a user's Web experience through richer, better-tailored content. The author explains RDF theory and practice and how it compares to XML and HTML in layman terms and provides source code for several important tools. He includes descriptions of real services, both for the desktop computer and the handheld wireless device, and hands-on examples illustrating how metadata is used to tailor services for users. Explanations of how RDF ties in with intelligent agents are also provided. The CD accompanying the book provides a number of RDF resource programs, such as editors and inference engines that the reader can use to create new services described in the book.
Von Klappentext im Buch Creating the Semantic Web with RDF (2001)

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Metadatenmeta data , Ontologieontology , RDF , Semantic Websemantic web , XML


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Creating the Semantic Web with RDF E - - 1 0471402591 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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