Scaffolding Engagement with Educational Technologies to Develop Computational Thinking in Year 1 GirlsFiona Mayne, Belinda Bath
Zu finden in: Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools (Seite 81 bis 96), 2023
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The purpose of this chapter is to disrupt traditional thinking about the appropriateness of educational technologies such as Makey Makey, Micro:bit, Ozobots and Minecraft Education Edition to teach computational thinking to young learners. It draws from a theoretical background of foundational learning theories of constructivism, constructionism and connectivism which are used to illustrate the importance of digital literacy and digital fluency in the context of coding and computational thinking. The tenets of computational thinking are discussed and applied to a local research vignette that involved a collaboration between a class of Year 1 girls at an Australian independent school and a class of Master of Teaching preservice teachers in an Australian university.
Von Fiona Mayne, Belinda Bath im Buch Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools (2023) im Text Scaffolding Engagement with Educational Technologies to Develop Computational Thinking in Year 1 Girls Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Seymour Papert , George Siemens | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Bildungeducation (Bildung) , computational thinkingcomputational thinking , Digitalisierung , Kinderchildren , Konstruktionismusconstructionism , Konstruktivismusconstructivism , LehrerInteacher , Lernenlearning , micro:bit , Minecraft , Ozobot , Programmierenprogramming , Programmieren für KinderProgramming for kids | ||||||||||||||||||
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Eltern, Schule, Schweiz, Unterricht |
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