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Data Science Education

Curriculum and pedagogy
Koby Mike
Zu finden in: ICER 2020 (Seite 324 bis 325), 2020
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Data science is a new field of research focuses on extracting knowledge and value from data. The radical growth in recent years in the availability of data and of the computational resources required to process them, has led to a corresponding increase in demand for data scientists. As a result, new data science education programs are opening at a growing rate.

Over the past few years, several papers on data science programs were published, focusing on their curricular aspects. The pedagogy of those programs, however, has received only little attention. To partially close this gap, my doctoral research focuses on the pedagogical aspects of data science.

The pilot phase of the research was carried out in graduate, undergraduate, and high school data science programs. The results of the pilot research are organized by a framework of ten challenges of data science education whose purpose is to improve our understanding of the pedagogical challenges of data science education for various populations and to develop pedagogical methods for coping with them. The current stage of research aims to validate this framework.

Von Koby Mike im Konferenz-Band ICER 2020 im Text Data Science Education (2020)

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Varun Aggarwal , Paul E. Anderson , Rolf Biehler , James F. Bowring , Caelin Bryant , Lea Budde , Lillian N. Cassel , Ankur Chattopadhyay , Yesheng Chen , Zhen Chen , Renee J. Chosed , Sarah Dahlby Albright , Andrea Danyluk , Amber Dryer , Daniel Frischemeier , Jonathan Gilmour , Shyamala Gumidyala , Jessen T. Havill , Birte Heinemann , Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara , Annabella Koures , Seoyeon Lee , Paul Leidig , Renée McCauley , James Msekela , Simone Opel , Susanne Podworny , George Pothering , Samuel A. Rebelsky , Halle Remash , Marli Remash , Nolan Schoenle , Carsten Schulte , Christian Servin , Shashank Srikant , Christopher W. Starr , Andrea Tartaro , Anh Thu Pham , Nicole Walia , Thomas Wassong , Jonah Zimmerman
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2015 SIGCSE 2015 (Adrienne Decker, Kurt Eiselt, Carl Alphonce, Jodi Tims) 18, 16, 13, 16, 17, 6, 6, 7, 4, 1, 1, 5 48 928 3 198
2017 SIGCSE 2017 (Michael E. Caspersen, Stephen H. Edwards, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia) 11, 10, 2, 2, 4, 4, 13, 1, 9, 12, 5, 6 41 714 6 609
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2018 Koli Calling 2018 (Mike Joy, Petri Ihantola) 2, 5, 14, 4, 3, 2, 7, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2 18 99 2 546
2019 SIGCSE 2019 (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Sarah Heckman, Jian Zhang 0036) 1, 8, 6, 7, 1, 1, 13, 2, 9, 11, 12, 7 37 254 7 683
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2014 local web  An undergraduate degree in data science (Paul E. Anderson, James F. Bowring, Renée McCauley, George Pothering, Christopher W. Starr) 3 6 0 0
2015 local web  Computer Scientists at the Biology Lab Bench (Andrea Tartaro, Renee J. Chosed) 1 5 0 0
2017 local web  Introducing Data Science to School Kids (Shashank Srikant, Varun Aggarwal) 1 4 0 0
2018 local web  A Middle-School Module for Introducing Data-Mining, Big-Data, Ethics and Privacy Using RapidMiner and a Hollywood Theme (Amber Dryer, Nicole Walia, Ankur Chattopadhyay) 1 4 0 0
2018 local web  Drafting a Data Science Curriculum for Secondary Schools (Birte Heinemann, Simone Opel, Lea Budde, Carsten Schulte, Daniel Frischemeier, Rolf Biehler, Susanne Podworny, Thomas Wassong) 6 6 0 0
2019 local web  ACM Task Force on Data Science Education (Andrea Danyluk, Paul Leidig, Lillian N. Cassel, Christian Servin) 2 1 0 0
2019 local web  Embracing the Liberal Arts in an Interdisciplinary Data Analytics Program (Jessen T. Havill) 1 1 0 0
2019 local web  A Middle-School Camp Emphasizing Data Science and Computing for Social Good (Caelin Bryant, Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Jonathan Gilmour, Shyamala Gumidyala, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Annabella Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Msekela, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky) 2 6 0 0


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