Do We Really Need Computational Thinking?Erstpublikation in: Communications of the ACM, February 2019, Vol. 62 No. 2, Pages 32-35
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Considering the expression “computational thinking” as an entry point to understand why the fundamental
contribution of computing to science is the shift from solving problems to having problems solved.
Von Klappentext im Text Do We Really Need Computational Thinking? (2019) Der Begriff "computational thinking" ist/war gut, um Laien verständlich zu machen, dass die informatische Sichtweise eine eigene wissenschaftliche Perspektive ist - der Begriff sollte aber nicht überstrapaziert werden - es ist letztendlich Informatik.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 29.01.2019As a computer
scientist, I am convinced
we need the concept of computational
thinking, interpreted as “being
able to think like a computer scientist
and being able to apply this competence
to every field of human endeavor.”
The focus of this Viewpoint is to discuss
to what extent we need the expression
“computational thinking” (CT).
Von Enrico Nardelli im Text Do We Really Need Computational Thinking? (2019) To anticipate the conclusion, we
probably need the expression as an instrument,
as a shorthand reference to
a well-structured concept, but it might
be dangerous to insist too much on it
and to try to precisely characterize it.
It should serve just as a brief explanation
of why computer science (or informatics,
or computing: I will use these
terms interchangeably) is a novel and
independent scientific subject and to
argue for the need of teaching informatics
in schools.
Von Enrico Nardelli im Text Do We Really Need Computational Thinking? (2019) Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Informatik-Didaktik, Informatikunterricht in der Schule, LehrerIn, Unterricht |
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1 Erwähnungen
- Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, October 23-25, 2019 (2019)
- Development of a Questionnaire on Self-concept, Motivational Beliefs, and Attitude Towards Programming (Luzia Leifheit, Katerina Tsarava, Korbinian Moeller, Klaus Ostermann, Jessika Golle, Ulrich Trautwein, Manuel Ninaus) (2019)
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