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Emerging Practices for Integrating Computer Science into Existing K-5 Subjects in the United States

Monica M. McGill, Laycee Thigpen, Alaina Mabie
Zu finden in: WIPSCE '23, 2023
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Research Problem. With increasing initiatives and policies to bring computer science (CS) learning opportunities to primary school students within the United States, there is a growing need to understand how to integrate CS into various other subjects. Research on emerging practices for integrating CS into other subjects (co-curricular), however, remains thin.

Research Questions. Our research question for this study was: What are promising practices for integrating CS into other subject areas?

Methodology. We conducted interviews with experts (n=9) in integrating CS into subject areas in the K-5 classroom using a semi-structured interview protocol.

Findings. Several promising practices emerged for designing curriculum, creating assessments, and preparing teachers to teach in a co-curricular manner. These include ways for teachers to vary instruction, integrating into core (and oft tested) language arts and mathematics, and simplifying assessments. Many of the findings are borne from the need to help new teachers become comfortable teaching a new subject integrated into their other subjects.

Implications. Our findings reveal a number of steps curriculum designers can take to design and implement CS integrated into other subject areas. While many are built on addressing the cognitive load that both teachers and students may face, there is deep recognition that teachers must gradually learn to become familiar with CS as well as how to integrate CS into other subjects that ensure true integration, rather than teaching two subjects in parallel.

Von Monica M. McGill, Laycee Thigpen, Alaina Mabie im Konferenz-Band WIPSCE '23 im Text Emerging Practices for Integrating Computer Science into Existing K-5 Subjects in the United States (2023)

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