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Visions of the Technology Education Profession by Technology Teacher Educators

John Ritz, Gene Martin
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 699 bis 712), 2017 local web 
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Handbook of Technology EducationAs the technology education school subject has evolved, its evolution has quickened in the latter parts of the twentieth and the early years of the twenty-first century. This chapter reports the visions of the future of technology teacher education as reported by United States´ university lead professors, recent graduates, and currently enrolled Ph.D. students who are preparing to become technology education teacher educators. Information reported in this chapter was collected from the research literature and through three author conducted research studies. It was found that the focus of the curriculum continues to evolve to better prepare teachers and learners to engage with technology. Findings show the content focus of the technology teacher preparation curriculum in the United States to be influenced by knowledge of technological literacy, technological systems, and engineering design. However, STEM integration is a major new program strategy identified for future instructional design and delivery as seen by new doctoral graduates. As these new Ph.D.s engage in practice, they bring with them new ideas regarding the content and delivery of technology education. Beliefs about the future for teacher preparation, their professional development, and journals for reporting ideas and research are identified. In addition, information about their beliefs of the future of the profession and its relationships with other STEM professions are reported. Since member involvement guides the future of professions, it was found important to involve all groups, seasoned and new, in the planning of the future of technology education and its professions.
Von John Ritz, Gene Martin im Buch Handbook of Technology Education (2017) im Text Visions of the Technology Education Profession by Technology Teacher Educators

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Bildungeducation (Bildung) , Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , design thinking , LehrerInteacher , LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training , Schuleschool

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