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ENpS-Finanzen 3: Versichern Sie die Notebooks

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Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environmentsBei verstärktem mobilem Einsatz der Lerngeräte empfiehlt es sich, Versicherungen gegen Schäden, Verlust oder Diebstahl (ggf. Garantieverlängerungen) abzuschließen.
Von Erich Herber im Konferenz-Band Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments (2011) im Text Lerninfrastrukturen für mobiles Lernen
K-12 One-to-One-Computing HandbookMany computer vendors provide accidental damage protection programs or extended warranty opportunities for the computers they sell to schools. These services can either supplant or supplement any insurance coverage the district already has in place for computer hardware. 
Von Cathilea Robinett, Marina Leight, Carol Malinowski, Jodie Butler in der Broschüre K-12 One-to-One-Computing Handbook (2005)
K-12 One-to-One-Computing HandbookExperience shows that if the district chooses to own the computers, most risk insurance programs can provide districts with a policy rider that will cover the laptops. Parents will need to sign release forms prior to their students taking the laptops home since most homeowner policies will provide coverage for damage or loss.
Von Cathilea Robinett, Marina Leight, Carol Malinowski, Jodie Butler in der Broschüre K-12 One-to-One-Computing Handbook (2005)
K-12 One-to-One-Computing HandbookSome school districts have established an insurance fee that parents pay for their child to use the laptop. For one-to-one initiatives, this fee is charged annually and should cover the costs for repair and/or replacement. Again, these fees and the insurance coverage should be developed with assistance from school finance personnel and school attorneys.
Von Cathilea Robinett, Marina Leight, Carol Malinowski, Jodie Butler in der Broschüre K-12 One-to-One-Computing Handbook (2005)
Because providing $800 - $1,500 laptops to children and making students and their families financially responsible can cause great concern to parents and because the computers must always be available if they are an integral part of the school day, extended warranties should be purchased and insurance plans should be required. Warranties only cover hardware failures that happen through normal use, and so an affordable way to insure the laptops should also be in place. Accidents happen. Computers (especially laptops) can be dropped, be damaged by liquids spilled on them, be lost, or be stolen. An insurance policy will soothe the concerns of both parents and school administrators about loss and accidental damage, but insurance policies do not cover intentional damage or negligence.
Von Kyle Peck, Karl Sprenger im Text One-to-one Educational Computing (2008)

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