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story problem story problem

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David H. JonassenIn an attempt to situate algorithms in some kind of context, many textbook authors and teachers employ story problems. This usually takes the form of embedding the values needed to solve an algorithm into a brief narrative or Situation.
Von Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, Rose M. Marra, Joi Moore Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Buch Learning to Solve Problems with Technology (2nd ed.) (2003) im Text Problem Solving Is Meaningful Learning auf Seite  21
David H. JonassenIn an attempt to make problem solving more meaningful, textbook authors, teachers, and professors assign story problems to students. These can be found at the backs of textbook chapters in virtually every science, mathematics, and engineering textbook in existence. Traditional methods for solving story problems require learners to
  1. represent the unknowns by letters;
  2. translate relationships about unknowns into equations;
  3. solve the equations to find the value of the unknowns; and
  4. verify values found to see if they fit the original problem (Rich, 1960).
Von David H. Jonassen im Buch Learning to Solve Problems (2010) im Text How das Problem Solving Vary?


David H. JonassenStory problem solving requires not only calculation accuracy but also the comprehension of textual Information, the capacity to visualize the data, the capacity to recognize the semantic structure of the problem, the capacity to sequence their solution activities correctly, and the capacity and willingness to evaluate die procedure that they used to solve the problem.
Von David H. Jonassen im Buch Learning to Solve Problems (2004) im Text What is problem solving auf Seite  11
David H. JonassenSolving story problems is more difficult and ill-structured than algorithms because it requires the semantic comprehension of relevant textual information, the capacity to visualize the data, the capacity to recognize the deep structure of the problem, the capacity to correctly sequence their solution activities, and the capacity and willingness to evaluate the procedure that they used to solve the problem.
Von David H. Jonassen im Text Toward a Design Theory of Problem Solving (2000)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
troubleshooting problemtroubleshooting problem(0.32), designs problemdesigns problem(0.28), strategic performance problemstrategic performance problem(0.22), rule-using problemrule-using problem(0.19), case analysis problemcase analysis problem(0.19), diagnosis-solution problemdiagnosis-solution problem(0.19), decision making problemdecision making problem(0.12), logical problemlogical problem(0.1), algorithmic problemalgorithmic problem(0.07)

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