Palm Pilot
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The choice of PDA platform (PocketPC or Palm OS) is dependent on the key requirements of the end users.
Medical courses and professionals in New Zealand tend to use PocketPC devices, but beyond this there is
currently not much market penetration of PDAs in tertiary education in New Zealand. The Palm OS devices
support a wider range of software, tend to be more reliable (crash less), and integrate better in a
cross-platform environment (Macintosh and Windows) than PocketPC devices (Martin, 2005; palmOne,
2005). For disciplines where there is not a platform preference set, the author favours the Palm platform.
Von Thomas Cochrane im Konferenz-Band Balance, Fidelity, Mobility (2005) im Text Mobilising learning Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | Pocket PCPocket PC(0.13), Handheld / PDAHandheld(0.07), Handheld / PDA in schoolHandheld / PDA in school(0.05), pico map(0.05), PAAM(0.04) |
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19 Erwähnungen
- Handheld Devices are Ready-at-Hand (Elliot Soloway, Cathleen Norris, Phyllis Blumenfeld, Barry Fishman, Joseph Krajcik, Ron Marx) (2001)
- Text Entry for Mobile Computing - Models and Methods, Theory and Practice (I. Scott MacKenzie, R. William Soukoreff) (2002)
- Palm Handheld Computers - A Complete Resource for Classroom Teachers (Michael Curtis, Cathleen Norris, David O Leary, Elliot Soloway, Bard Williams) (2002)
- Palm Education Pioneers Program - Final Evaluation Report (Valerie Crawford, SRI International, Phil Vahey) (2002)
- Leonardo's Laptop - Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies (Ben Shneiderman) (2002)
- Mappingverfahren zur Wissensorganisation - Diplomarbeit (Heiko Haller) (2002)
- Handheld Computers (PDAs) in Schools (David Perry, BECTA) (2003)
- Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators (Janet Caughlin, Tony Vincent) (2003)
- 2. Palm OS Basics
- 6. Classroom Management
- Design Guidelines for Learner-Centered Handheld Tools (Kathleen Luchini, Chris Quintana, Elliot Soloway) (2004)
- Palm OS (R) Handhelds in the Elementary Classroom - Curriculum and Strategies (Michael Curtis, Janine Kopera, Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway) (2004)
- mLearn 2005 - 4th World conference on mLearning (Tom Brown, Herman van der Merwe) (2005)
- Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) with Internet Access to Support Initial Teacher Training in the UK (Angela McFarlane, Andy Ramsden, Jocelyn Wishart)
- PDA macht Schule - M-Learning in der Sekundarstufe (Petra Haller) (2005)
- 4. PDA, Zusatzgeräte und Software
- 5. PDA als pädagogische Ressource
- Balance, Fidelity, Mobility - Maintaining the Momentum? ACILITE 2005 conference (2005)
- Mobilising learning - A primer for utilising wireless palm devices to facilitate a collaborative learning environment (Thomas Cochrane)
- Persönliche Handhelds in der Primarschule - Ein Pilotprojekt in Wangen bei Olten (Schweiz) (Daniela Püntener, Katja Glanzmann) (2006)
- 3. Auswahl der Handhelds
- Beyond the Desktop Metaphor - Designing Integrated Digital Work Environments (V. Kaptelinin, M. Czerwinski) (2006)
- 9. Users’ Theories on the Desktop Metaphor - or why we should seek metaphor-free interfaces (Pamela Ravasio, Vincent Tscherter)
- ICT beim Fremdsprachenlernen (Nadia Echagüe, Stefanie Maradan) (2007)
- Platform Revolution - How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy - and How to Make Them Work for You (Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Sangeet Paul Choudary) (2018)