It's not Information Overload. It's Filter failure.Erstpublikation in: Web 2.0 Expo 2008
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If we’ve always had information overload, how have we managed? Internet scholar Clay Shirky says: "It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure." If we feel that we’re overwhelmed with information, that means our filters aren’t working. The solution is to fix our filters, and Shirky points us to the sophisticated tools we’ve developed, especially social filters that rely upon the aggregated judgments of those in our social networks.
Von David Weinberger im Buch Too Big to Know (2012) im Text Knowledge Overload Bemerkungen
Shirky’s talk of filter failure intends to draw our attention to the continuity between the old and the new, bringing a calming voice to an overheated discussion: We shouldn’t freak out about information overload because we’ve always been overloaded, in one way or another. But when I asked him about it, Shirky agreed without hesitation that the new filtering techniques are disruptive, especially when it comes to the authority of knowledge. Old knowledge institutions like newspapers, encyclopedias, and textbooks got much of their authority from the fact that they filtered information for the rest of us. If our social networks are our new filters, then authority is shifting from experts in faraway offices to the network of people we know, like, and respect.
Von David Weinberger im Buch Too Big to Know (2012) im Text Knowledge Overload Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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3 Erwähnungen
- Too Big to Know - Das Wissen neu denken, denn Fakten sind keine Fakten mehr, die Experten sitzen überall und die schlaueste Person im Raum ist der Raum (David Weinberger) (2012)
- Das Halbwegs Soziale - Eine Kritik der Vernetzungskultur (Geert Lovink) (2012)
- Internet - Segen oder Fluch (Kathrin Passig, Sascha Lobo) (2012)
- 7. Das Bücherrad neu erfinden - Der Ärger mit der Informationsüberflutung
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It's not Information Overload. It's Filter failure.: Artikel als Volltext ( : 2021-03-21) |
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