Ist Informatik eine Wissenschaft?
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Electrical engineers designed and built
the first electronic computers without
knowing any computer science—CS did
not exist at the time. Their goal was to
harness the movement of electrons in
circuits to perform logical operations
and numerical calculations. Programs
controlled the circuits by opening and
closing gates. Later scientists and mathematicians
brought rigorous formal and
experimental methods to computing.
To find out what works and what does
not, engineers tinker and scientists test
hypotheses. In much of computing the
engineering has preceded the science.
However, both engineers and scientists
contribute to a vibrant computing profession:
they need each other.
Von Peter Denning, Matti Tedre, Pat Yongpradit im Text Misconceptions About Computer Science (2017) Informatik wird oft als die Wissenschaft von der automatischen Verarbeitung
von Informationen mithilfe von Digitalrechnern betrachtet. Folgt man dieser Formulierung
und vertieft sie, so zeigt sich, dass Informatik eine eigenständige wissenschaftliche
Disziplin ist, die ihre eigenen Fragestellungen verfolgt. Diese ergeben
sich aus der Erforschung der Gesetze der automatischen Informationsverarbeitung.
Ähnlich wie die Natur physikalischen Gesetzen folgt, etwa der Energieerhaltung,
unterliegen auch Informationsverarbeitung und -übertragung bestimmten grundlegenden
Gesetzen, welche die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnologie bestimmen. Diese bilden das wissenschaftliche Fundament
der Informatik.
Von Jürg Kohlas, Jürg Schmid, Carl August Zehnder im Buch informatik@gymnasium (2013) im Text Argumente für Informatik am Gymnasium In addition to passionate supporters, the engineering view of computing has also strong opponents.
In their attempt to improve computing’s academic status, many pioneers of computing downplayed
computing’s constructive character and highlighted its theoretical aspects ( Tedre, 2014 ). Early
soft ware engineering was accused of sloppy methodology and lack of rigorous theories. Some
pointed out the short life- span of technical inventions: as a fundamental discipline, computing should focus on enduring fundamental principles instead of technological solutions that became
obsolete quickly ( Wegner, 1970 ). Many theoretically orientated pioneers of computing wanted to
see computing focus on what is common to the use of any computer in any application instead of
technical details or societal aspects of computing.
Von Matti Tedre im Buch Computer Science Education im Text The Nature of Computing as a Discipline (2018) It will be. See, it's such a new thing. People used to get Ph.D. theses for doing work that we now expect programmers to do as part of their jobs. Computer science is developing very quickly, but unlike math, where they've had 300 years of geniuses developing mathematical theory, we just have our 20 or so years of the people who decided to get involved. Really brilliant people are getting involved and contributing; programming is much more of a mainstream activity now. The fact that people are getting exposed to computers at such young ages now will help change the thinking in the field. A lot of great programmers programmed when they were in their teens, when the way you think about things is perhaps more flexible. In the past, it wasn't considered enough just to be a wonderful programmer; you had to manage people or go do other things. Fortunately, that's changing. Now people realize that it's a science that is worth sticking to and teaching other people.
Von Bill Gates im Buch Faszination Programmieren (1987) im Text Bill Gates Zitationsgraph
7 Erwähnungen
- Faszination Programmieren - Interviews mit neunzehn führenden PC-Programmierern (Susan Lammers) (1987)
- Bill Gates (Bill Gates, Susan Lammers)
- Computing as a Discipline (Peter Denning, D. E. Comer, David Gries, Michael C. Mulder, Allen B. Tucker, A. Joe Turner, Paul R. Young) (1989)
- The Science of Computing - Shaping a Discipline (Matti Tedre) (2004)
- informatik@gymnasium - Ein Entwurf für die Schweiz (Jürg Kohlas, Jürg Schmid, Carl August Zehnder) (2013)
- The Science in Computer Science (Peter Denning) (2013)
- Misconceptions About Computer Science (Peter Denning, Matti Tedre, Pat Yongpradit) (2017)
- Computer Science Education - Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School (Sue Sentance, Erik Barendsen, Carsten Schulte) (2018)