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Why Do Myths about AI Persist? 

Arvind Narayanan, Sayash Kapoor
Zu finden in: AI Snake Oil, 2024 local 
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AI Snake OilIn chapter 7 we consider the question of why myths about AI are so pervasive. Companies not only hype up their tech but also use their enormous wealth and power in ways that make academia and the press less effective as counterweights to their self-serving claims. In fact, academic researchers are as often a source of hype in AI as they are a voice of reason. In many fields, researchers have falsely come to a consensus that AI is highly accurate in their respective domains, all based on flawed and irreproducible research. We’ll look at civil war prediction as one example.
Von Arvind Narayanan, Sayash Kapoor im Buch AI Snake Oil (2024) im Text Introduction
AI Snake OilOver the course of this book, we have seen that people believe all sorts of myths about AI, and that those myths can help prop up AI snake oil. Why do myths about AI persist? This chapter sketches out an answer. We will go over the major sources of hype: companies, researchers, journalists, and public figures, and see how they exploit cognitive biases to misinform the public.
Von Arvind Narayanan, Sayash Kapoor im Buch AI Snake Oil (2024) im Text Why Do Myths about AI Persist? 

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Geoffrey Hinton , Daniel Huttenlocher , Henry A Kissinger , Marvin Minsky , Seymour Papert , Eric Schmidt

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automation bias , bias , bitcoin , cognitive biascognitive bias , confirmation bias , Generative Pretrained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) , halo effecthalo effect , Hype CycleHype Cycle , Journalismus , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , Marketingmarketing , peer reviewpeer review , Replikationskrise , Roboterrobot , web3
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2021 local  The Age of AI (Henry A Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher) 20, 5 3 3 5 25

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