Post-Internet Art and Pre-Internet Art EducationRobert W. Sweeny
Zu finden in: Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education (Seite 45 bis 59), 2021
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This chapter looks to the
history of art education in a networked era, generally focusing on North
American scholarship. It looks to what post-internet art, as a distributed
structure of knowledge formation, might mean to formal art education.
It will present an overview of some of the ways that art educators helped
to theorize the artistic possibilities found in the early internet, through
what was termed ‘Web 2.0.’ and leading up to a post-internet condition.
Von Robert W. Sweeny im Buch Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education (2021) im Text Post-Internet Art and Pre-Internet Art Education Post-Internet art represents a challenge to previous artistic concepts that tended to view the utilization of networked digital technologies as either the fulfillment of utopian fantasies of ego destruction, or the dystopian realization of a posthuman nightmare. Post-Internet art oscillates between these two extremes, making use of numerous interrelated networks that are decentralized in nature. Formal schooling is generally centralized, and art education tends to operate in a similar manner within this system, regardless of attempts to substantially change the structure of the field. A comparison of these two different systems might offer art educators opportunities to rethink practices that have been virtually unaffected by decentralization.
Von Robert W. Sweeny im Buch Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education (2021) im Text Post-Internet Art and Pre-Internet Art Education Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Vannevar Bush , Manuel Castells , Ivan Illich , Lev Manovich | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Bildungeducation (Bildung) , Digitalisierung , Hardwarehardware , HypermediaHypermedia , Hypertexthypertext , Internetinternet , Kunst , Schreibenwriting , Softwaresoftware , Theorietheory , WebQuest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dieses Kapitel erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | LehrerIn, Lernen, Schreiben am Computer, Schule, Unterricht |
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Beat und dieses Kapitel
Beat hat Dieses Kapitel während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Er hat Dieses Kapitel einmalig erfasst und bisher nicht mehr bearbeitet. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. Eine digitale Version ist auf dem Internet verfügbar (s.o.). Es gibt bisher nur wenige Objekte im Biblionetz, die dieses Werk zitieren.