Visible learning
Sway Grantham
Zu finden in: Teaching with Tablets, 2015


The following case study from Caroline Haslett School, Milton Keynes, models simple and practical ways to capture learning as, and when, it happens. It focuses on the different stages within the learning cycle at which children’s learning can be recorded, and considers the depth necessary to inform teaching and learning throughout a topic of work. A range of apps is explored, along with open-ended examples of how to use them and a rationale explaining the pedagogical choices made.
We will go on to discuss how using tablets to allow insight into children’s learning can enhance the learning experience by facilitating independent learning skills such as self-efficacy, learning about learning and self-assessment. We will also explore the impact for children when their learning is frequently shared with others, including their peers and their teacher, as well as further assessment opportunities that would not be possible without tablets. Capturing and sharing children’s learning using tablets opens a wealth of possibilities for Assessment for Learning strategies (AfL), personalised learning and self-regulated learning.
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Eltern, iPad, Mappingverfahren, Schule, Unterricht |
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