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Rescuing Science from Politics

Regulation and the Distortion of Scientific Research
Wendy Wagner, Rena Steinzor , local 
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Rescuing Science from PoliticsRescuing Science from Politics debuts chapters by the nation's leading academics in law, science, and philosophy who explore ways that the law can be abused by special interests to intrude on the way scientists conduct research. The high stakes and adversarial features of regulation create the worst possible climate for the honest production and use of science especially by those who will ultimately bear the cost of the resulting regulatory standards. Yet an in-depth exploration of the ways in which dominant interest groups distort the available science to support their positions has received little attention in the academic or popular literature. The book begins by establishing non-controversial principles of good scientific practice. These principles then serve as the benchmark against which each chapter author compares how science is misused in a specific regulatory setting and assist in isolating problems in the integration of science by the regulatory process.
Von Klappentext im Buch Rescuing Science from Politics (2011)

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Philosophiephilosophy , Politikpolitics , Whistleblower , Wissenschaftscience

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Rescuing Science from Politics e - - 1 0521540097 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!
Rescuing Science from Politics e - - 1 0521855209 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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