Medienkompetenz erfordert Lesekompetenz
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Before students can engage with the new participatory culture,
they must be able to read and write. Youth must expand their
required competencies, not push aside old skills to make room
for the new.
Von Henry Jenkins, Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robison, Margaret Weigel im Buch Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture (2006) Media "literacy" necessarily involves "reading"
and "writing" media. Media education
therefore aims to develop both critical
understanding and active participation. It
enables young people to interpret and make
informed judgments as consumers of
media; but it also enables them to become
producers of media in their own right.
Media education is about developing young
people’s critical and creative abilities.
Von UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org., Divina Frau-Meigs im Buch Media Education (2006) im Text Handbook for Teachers auf Seite 20Zitationsgraph
7 Erwähnungen
- Pisa Plus 2000 II - Thematische Analysen nationaler Zusatzprojekte (Günter Haider, Birgit Lang) (2002)
- Lesen + Schreiben (2003)
- Medienbildung zwischen «Medienverwahrlosung» und Informationsdidaktik (information literacy) (Hans-Dieter Kübler) (2004)
- Medienbildung in der Volksschule - Grundlagen und konkrete Umsetzung (Thomas Merz) (2005)
- Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture - Media Education for the 21st Century (Henry Jenkins, Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robison, Margaret Weigel) (2006)
- Media Education - A Kit for Teachers, Students, Parents and Professionals (UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org., Divina Frau-Meigs) (2006)
- Medienkompetenz - Tipps zum sicheren Umgang mit digitalen Medien (Sarah Genner, Daniel Süss, Gregor Waller, Isabel Willemse, Eveline Hipeli) (2013)