guide maps guide maps
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Guide maps are "fill-in-the-blank" graphic tools that can be used to solve problems (e.g., problems in planning) and to promote active learning (e.g., learning about a theory). The structure of the map and the questions within the nodes are provided by an expert, the answers to the questions are inserted by a user or learner. These maps are at the interface of information and knowledge visualization.
Von Donald F. Dansereau im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Node-Link Mapping Principles for Visualizing Knowledge and Information Dansereau (in this book) distinguishes three types of nodelink mapping approaches with different practical use:
Von Sigmar-Olaf Tergan im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Digital Concept Maps for Managing Knowledge and Information - Information maps are expert generated maps used for the presentation of information, as well as for orientation and navigation,
- guided maps are maps constructed by novice users with the help of a construction template,
- and freestyle maps are maps generated by users in a self-regulated manner.
Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | freestyle mapsfreestyle maps(0.53), information mapsinformation maps(0.4) |
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3 Erwähnungen
- Wissen sichtbar machen - Wissensmanagement mit Mappingtechniken (Heinz Mandl, Frank Fischer) (2000)
- 2. Durcharbeiten von Begriffsstrukturdarstellungen in unterrichtlichen und computergestützten Lernumgebungen (Heike Bernd, Thomas Hippchen, Karl Ludwig Jüngst, Peter Strittmatter)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)