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information maps information maps

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Knowledge and Information VisualizationInformation maps are complete node-link maps usually produced by an expert to communicate about a topic. These maps, which can substitute for or supplement other presentation formats (e.g., text), are typically provided to users and/or learners as reference, navigation, and/or learning aids. In terms of the theme of this book, these types of maps are most closely related to the notion of information visualization.
Von Donald F. Dansereau im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Node-Link Mapping Principles for Visualizing Knowledge and Information
Sigmar-Olaf TerganDansereau (in this book) distinguishes three types of nodelink mapping approaches with different practical use:
  • Information maps are expert generated maps used for the presentation of information, as well as for orientation and navigation,
  • guided maps are maps constructed by novice users with the help of a construction template,
  • and freestyle maps are maps generated by users in a self-regulated manner.
Von Sigmar-Olaf Tergan im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Digital Concept Maps for Managing Knowledge and Information


Knowledge and Information VisualizationInformation maps have a positive impact on cooperative learning activities (Patterson, Dansereau & Newbern, 1992; Patterson et al., 1993; Rewey et al., 1989).
Von Donald F. Dansereau im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Node-Link Mapping Principles for Visualizing Knowledge and Information
Knowledge and Information VisualizationStudents recall more main ideas from an information map than from corresponding text although there are no significant differences on the recall of details (Hall, Dansereau & Skaggs, 1992; Rewey, Dansereau, Skaggs, Hall & Pitre, 1989; Rewey, Dansereau & Peel, 1991).
Von Donald F. Dansereau im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Node-Link Mapping Principles for Visualizing Knowledge and Information
Knowledge and Information VisualizationStudents with low verbal ability or low prior knowledge often benefit the most from information maps (Lambiotte & Dansereau, 1992; Lambiotte, Skaggs & Dansereau, 1993; O’Donnell & Dansereau, 1992; O’Donnell, Dansereau, Hall, Skaggs, Hythecker, Peel & Rewey, 1990; Rewey et al., 1989; Patterson, Dansereau & Wiegmann, 1993).
Von Donald F. Dansereau im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Node-Link Mapping Principles for Visualizing Knowledge and Information

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Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
guide mapsguide maps(0.4), freestyle mapsfreestyle maps(0.33)

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