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Dramatising the S and M in STEM

Kathryn Paige, Leni Brown, Lisa O’Keeffe, Robyne Garrett
Zu finden in: Science and Drama (Seite 73 bis 91), 2021 local web 
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Science and DramaInterdisciplinary science and mathematics learning can be enhanced via the dynamics of drama in the form of creative and body-based learning (CBL). This pedagogical approach allows pre-service teachers to be engaged personally, to express their own ideas and to help students discover meaningful connections to mathematical and science concepts. A professional learning program that was generated through collaboration between a group of South Australian and Texan academics in the areas of mathematics and arts highlighted the potential of CBL to provide new and innovative pedagogical approaches to the teaching of science and mathematics curriculum. This chapter documents strategies in which science and mathematical concepts form the basis of interactive scenarios, role-plays and drama games that offer pedagogical alternatives for teachers and pre-service teachers to engage their own students in developing conceptual understanding. Practical strategies which have been modelled with pre-service teachers, primary teachers and their classes are described. These strategies include: ‘The Truth about Me’; ‘Alphabet Relay’; ‘People, Shelter, Storm’; and the sum of internal angles through the ‘Human Geoboard’ and the ‘Sir Cumference Quest’. Dramatising gears, electrical circuits, dichotomous keys and equitable distribution of world resources allows a focus on particular science and mathematics concepts.
Von Kathryn Paige, Leni Brown, Lisa O’Keeffe, Robyne Garrett im Buch Science and Drama (2021) im Text Dramatising the S and M in STEM

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