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Computing in Pre-primary Education

Daniela Bezáková, Andrea Hrušecká, Roman Hrušecký
Zu finden in: Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking (Seite 197 bis 208), 2020 local web 
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Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational ThinkingIn this paper we present our approach to study whether and how some basic computational pre-constructs (like agent, instruction, sequence, program, record, order) can be developed with preschool children (aged 5 to 6).

In many kindergartens Bee-Bots are used to introduce programming. But Bee-Bots themselves do not offer any visual representation of a program which we think a little bit limiting. To conduct our research, we wanted to use a tool that would enable direct control of an agent and a visual representation of a program as a record. Being inspired by the former work of our colleagues, educational programming environments for lower primary years and research within the Emil project we have designed an educational microworld for pre-school children – Circus.

In Circus environment children control a main character (an acrobat) in order to train it a performance. Instructions for the acrobat are interpreted immediately and a record of given instructions is being made simultaneously. Circus is aimed to be used with an interactive whiteboard by a small group of children and by a teacher moderating the activities of children with the software. The microworld itself is open, it doesn’t present any tasks to be solved.

In the paper we document an iterative process of designing, developing, using, evaluating and analysing a) Circus microworld, b) activities to be done by children in the microworld and related unplugged activities c) methodology for teachers d) worksheets for children in the cooperation with two kindergartens and present some findings.

Von Daniela Bezáková, Andrea Hrušecká, Roman Hrušecký im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking (2020) im Text Computing in Pre-primary Education

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Bee-Bot , Interaktive Whiteboardsinteractive whiteboard , Kinderchildren , Kindergarten , LehrerInteacher , microworldmicroworld , Primarschule (1-6) / Grundschule (1-4)primary school , Programmierenprogramming , Schuleschool , ScratchJr

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Bildung, Digitalisierung, Eltern, Lernen, Schweiz, Unterricht


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