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Are technical and soft skills required?

the use of structural equation modeling to examine factors leading to retention in the cs major
Tracy L. Lewis, Wanda J. Smith, France Belanger, K. Vernard Harrington
Zu finden in: ICER 2008 (Seite 91 bis 100), 2008
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This research investigates the effects of technical (i.e. technical ability) and soft (i.e. emotional intelligence) skills on CS program retention. Structural equation modeling revealed that affinity (satisfaction with the major) was the most important factor in determining intention to leave the CS major. Unexpectedly, technical skills were the least important (compared to soft skills). Gender differences were also examined. Results indicate significantly different effects on affinity and intent to stay across gender. For example, when examining female CS students, both technical and soft skills were significantly related to affinity which in turn was significantly related to intent to stay; with soft skills providing the stronger relationship. For males, affinity for the CS major was only significantly related to emotional intelligence. Technical skills were not significantly related to affinity. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Von Tracy L. Lewis, Wanda J. Smith, France Belanger, K. Vernard Harrington im Konferenz-Band ICER 2008 im Text Are technical and soft skills required? (2008)

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