Infrastructure: Its Transformations and Effect on Digital Activism
Trebor Scholz
Zu finden in: Digital Activism Decoded, 2010
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The Internet has evolved into a single global matrix where activists
gain real-time international attention for their struggles. More
than forty years ago, the Net started out as a military-scientific
project, consisting of no more than four university nodes. When
officially opened for commercial use in the mid-1990s, however,
the Net had grown to be a large international network. Many activists
initially rejected this commercialization; today such dismissal
of the profit-driven services online would simply disadvantage
political activists. The history of the Internet is full of cultural
experiments, with declarations of independence from corporatist
forces and stories about empowerment. Such empowerment devolved
not only to activists and libertarians but also to dictators
and others of their ilk.
Von Trebor Scholz im Buch Digital Activism Decoded (2010) im Text Infrastructure: Its Transformations and Effect on Digital Activism Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Tim Berners-Lee , Nicholas G. Carr , Mark Fischetti , Geert Lovink | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Digitalisierung , EmpowermentEmpowerment , facebook , Internetinternet , Twitter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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