Using Computer Supported Argument Visualization to Teach Legal Argumentation
Chad Carr
Zu finden in: Visualizing Argumentation, 2003
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In Chapter 4, Using Computer Supported Argument Visualization to Teach Legal Argumentation, Chad Carr focuses on law, which of all fields, arguably places greatest demands on its students to develop argumentation expertise. Carr reports research that analyses the role of the QuestMap CSAV tool in supporting the collaborative learning of legal argumentation skills, compared to a control group of students using conventional resources. Like Kanselaar, et al.’s work (Chapter 3), he concludes that in learning contexts, the diagrammatic representation may not always play the role expected. He shares insights gained while conducting a sixteen-week study at a leading ABA accredited law school.
Von Paul A. Kirschner, Chad Carr, Simon J. Buckingham Shum im Buch Visualizing Argumentation (2003) im Text Preface Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Thomas M. Duffy , David H. Jonassen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | cognitive flexibilitycognitive flexibility , Cognitive Toolscognitive tools , Hypertexthypertext , Problemproblem , Recht , Simulation , Softwaresoftware , Sprachelanguage , Visualisierungvisualization | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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