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System Of Systems Methodologies (SOSM)

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System Of Systems Methodologies (SOSM)
nach Jackson and Keys (1984) mit den Metaphern nach Morgan (1986)
Annahmen über die Werte und Interessen der Stakeholder
Unitär Pluralistisch Koersiv
Annahmen über die Beschaffenheit der Welt Einfach Maschine
Politisches System
Psychisches Gefängnis
Komplex Gehirn
Fluss und Transformation


System Of Systems Methodologies, SOSM


Systems ThinkersA more methodological approach to a critique of systems methodologies came around the same time, in collaboration with Jackson’s colleague at Hull, Paul Keys. Starting from the view that different methodologies were appropriate in different contexts, Jackson and Keys (1984) developed the first version of their System of Systems Methodologies (SOSM). This argued that the way systems methodologies understood problem situations could be classified on two dimensions – one concerned with the nature of systems, running from simple to complex; and the other concerned with the relationship between participants, defined as unitary, pluralist or coercive (in later work, this latter dimension would roughly correspond to hard, soft and critical approaches).
Von Magnus Ramage, Karen Shipp im Buch Systems Thinkers (2009) auf Seite  171

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Michael C. Jackson Michael C.
P. Keys P.
Gareth Morgan Gareth
Douglas Rushkoff Douglas

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