Organisation = Karneval organizations as carnivals
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The grand narratives of theory and history are replaced by disjoined and fragmented local narratives. Metaphysics with its philosophies of presence and essence loses to the celebration of multiple perspectives and a carnival of positions and structurings. The future is endlessly deferred and without positive direction, although life can be made more interesting through deconstruction and the recovery of suppressed conflicts and marginalized groups. The intellectual has no privileged position or special knowledge, but can only act in situational, local ways like all others. Since there can be no theory of history or projection into the future, resistance and alternative readings rather than reform or revolution become the primary political posture.
Von Mats Alvesson, Stanley A. Deetz im Buch The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies (2006) im Text Critical Theory and Postmodernism Approaches to Organizational Studies The metaphor of the carnival can help point to at least two aspects of organizational life that get suppressed by the other metaphors. At carnival time normal order is suspended and creativity, diversity and ambivalence are encouraged. This helps us to see the fragility of the social order that is sus- tained in organizations and to recognize as well the presence of other voices and other aspects that are usually suppressed or marginalized. Carnivals are also meant to be light and bright, and to be places where people have fun. There is much in organizations too that can be explained if we pay attention to playfulness, sex, irony, etc. Critics, of course, would see the overemphasis placed by the carnival metaphor on the ‘irrational’ aspects of organizational life as trivializing. Organizations are important social institutions and the well-being of all of us depends on them functioning well.
Von Michael C. Jackson im Buch Systems Thinking (2003) im Text Creativity and Systems auf Seite 36Zitationsgraph
3 Erwähnungen
- Systems Thinking - Creative Holism for Managers (Michael C. Jackson) (2003)
- The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies (Stewart R Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, Tom Lawrence, Walter R Nord) (2006)
- 7. Critical Theory and Postmodernism Approaches to Organizational Studies (Mats Alvesson, Stanley A. Deetz)
- Art education in the post-digital era - Experiential construction of knowledge through creative coding (Tomi Slotte Dufva) (2018)
- Metaphors of code - Structuring and broadening the discussion on teaching children to code (Tomi Slotte Dufva, Mikko Dufva) (2016)
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