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12 Erwähnungen
- MAPA: A System for inducing and visualizing hierarchy in websites (David Durand, Paul Kahn) (1998)
- Dokumentation zu 'Ästhetisches System' (Stefan Asmus) (1999)
- Information Visualisation and Virtual Environments (Chaomei Chen) (1999)
- 2. Finding Salient Structures
- 4. Information Visualisation Systems and Applications
- Websites visualisieren - Entwerfen, analysieren und steuern mit Plänen, Karten und Diagrammen (Paul Kahn, Krzysztof Lenk) (2001)
- 6. Datenbankgesteuerte Site Maps
- Atlas of Cyberspace (Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin) (2001)
- Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries (K. Börner, Chaomei Chen) (2002)
- Visual Analysis of Website Browsing Patterns (Stephen G. Eick)
- Information Visualization - Beyond the Horizon (Chaomei Chen) (2004)
- 4. Systems and Applications
- 6. Empirical Studies of Information Visualization
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- Useful Oblivion Versus Information Overload in e-Learning Examples in the Context of Wiki Systems (Christian Stickel, Martin Ebner, Andreas Holzinger) (2008)
- Introduction to Information Visualization (Riccardo Mazza) (2009)
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http://www.inxight.com: Inxight develops software products that improve the way users navigate, preview, find and analyze information on the web. ( : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2013-11-13) |