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Mapping the Web

Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin
Zu finden in: Atlas of Cyberspace, 2001 local web 
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Atlas of CyberspaceIn chapter 3, we examine some fascinating ways to spatialize the Web in order to create information spaces that are comprehensible and, in some cases, navigable.We present a wide range of spatializations that have employed a variety of graphical techniques and visual metaphors so as to provide striking and powerful images that extend from two-dimensional “maps” to three-dimensional immersive landscapes.These spatializations are important because they provide interpretable images for data that were previously very difficult to understand. For example, topological structure data of traffic in the logs of a large website are almost impossible for humans to interpret, because they are held in large textual tables, tens of thousands of lines long, that provide no tangible referents other than attribute codes but that, once spatialized appropriately, are relatively easy to interpret.
im Buch Atlas of Cyberspace (2001) im Text Mapping cyberspace

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CyberspaceCyberspace , Hyperbolic TreeHyperbolic Tree , Internetinternet , TheBrainTheBrain , Visual Thesaurus , Visualisierungvisualization , WWW (World Wide Web)World Wide Web


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