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Australian Women in Science

A Model for a Research-Based Theatre Project in Secondary School Classrooms
Richard Johnson Sallis, Jane Bird
Zu finden in: Science and Drama (Seite 243 bis 258), 2021 local web 
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Science and DramaThis chapter reports on research conducted by the authors drawn from both primary and secondary data sources based on two theatre productions performed by students at the University of Melbourne. Both performances featured characters based on female alumni, and current students from a range of faculties were amongst the cast members. The researchers found that a common element of both productions was the emphasis on women in science and, developmental and performance processes akin to those used in research-based theatre. Research-based theatre is an increasingly popular form of research presentation in the social sciences. As the name suggests, it draws on research data and findings and shares them via performance. The authors argue that research-based theatre may provide a useful model for a factually-based ensemble (or group-devised) performance in senior secondary schools. The model they share is intended for use by teachers and their students in a range of secondary school learning areas, including Science and Humanities. The authors have developed their model based in part on their work with pre-service and in-service teachers who wish to embed drama pedagogies into their planning and teaching of non-drama subjects. When developing the model shared in this chapter, the authors also drew on their collective knowledge and experience in the areas of cross-curricular applications of drama and research-based theatre play-making processes.
Von Richard Johnson Sallis, Jane Bird im Buch Science and Drama (2021) im Text Australian Women in Science

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Donald A. Schön

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LehrerInteacher, Lernenlearning, Schuleschool, Wissenschaftscience
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1983 local  The Reflective Practitioner (Donald A. Schön) 4, 14, 1, 2, 7, 1, 4, 2, 5, 5, 4, 95589869

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