Collaboration and the Net generation
The changing characteristics of first year university students
Chris Jones, Ruslan Ramanau
Zu finden in: CSCL 2009, 2009
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This paper reports on the first phase of research that investigates the Net generation
entering university. The paper focuses on claims about the Net generation’s relationship to
collaboration and cooperation and the ways that this relationship is associated with
technological rather than social processes. Based on a survey of first year students in five
universities across a range of subjects and disciplinary areas, the paper concludes that we
should be cautious about the claims that have been made about Net generation learners. It
suggests that broad brush approaches to generational changes obscure the subtle but important
differences between students. It also suggests that claims that there has been a step change in
attitudes takes attention away from the kinds of choices that might be necessary in relation to
variations that are indeed taking place amongst new cohorts of students.
Von Chris Jones, Ruslan Ramanau im Konferenz-Band CSCL 2009 (2009) im Text Collaboration and the Net generation This paper reports on the first phase of research that investigates the Net generation
entering university. The paper focuses on claims about the Net generation’s relationship to
collaboration and cooperation and the ways that this relationship is associated with
technological rather than social processes. Based on a survey of first year students in five
universities across a range of subjects and disciplinary areas, the paper concludes that we
should be cautious about the claims that have been made about Net generation learners. It
suggests that broad brush approaches to generational changes obscure the subtle but important
differences between students. It also suggests that claims that there has been a step change in
attitudes takes attention away from the kinds of choices that might be necessary in relation to
variations that are indeed taking place amongst new cohorts of students.
Von Chris Jones, Ruslan Ramanau im Konferenz-Band CSCL 2009 (2009) im Text Collaboration and the Net generation Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Sue Bennett , Lisa Kervin , Karl Maton , Diana G. Oblinger , James L. Oblinger , Marc Prensky , Don Tapscott | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Digital NativesDigital Natives , Hochschulehigher education institution , Lernenlearning , Universitätuniversity | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Digital Immigrants |
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