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Integrating Emerging Technologies throughout the Geology Undergraduate Curriculum

Using Tablet PCs, Wireless Networks, and Digital Geospatial Data in the Classroom, Lab, and Field
Mark Manone, Paul Umhoefer, Paula Garcia
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The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006The Deparment of Geology at Northern Arizona University uses tablet computers and mobile wireless technology in introductory courses as well as throughout our core curriculum. We have developed modules using tablet PCs for 5 introductory classes and 6 core classes Examples for implications in these introductory classes are: drape geologic maps over digital topographic images to explore relations in 3D; use satellite images of planets to map craters and lava flows on Mars and the moon; view geologic disasters such as volcanic eruptions and hurricanes with satellite images of the same area before and after the event. We have also continued to pioneer innovative teaching of geologic mapping in the field with rugged tablet computers where students perform field based GIS mapping using real-time GPS for accurate positioning. In all of these examples the pen is significant in the mapping and delineation portion of the exercise, whereby using a pen to show the barrier between gravel and bedrock is far more accurate and more closely mimics traditional analog mapping techniques. Starting in 2001 geology students have been given opportunity to utilize tablet computers throughout their career at NAU from Introduction to Geology to Advance Field Methods.
Von Mark Manone, Paul Umhoefer, Paula Garcia im Konferenz-Band The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006 (2006) im Text Integrating Emerging Technologies throughout the Geology Undergraduate Curriculum

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Computercomputer , Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , GPS , Hochschulehigher education institution , Tablet PCTablet PC , Tablet PCs in educationTablet PCs in education

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