ANTS: a new Collaborative Learning Framework
Gillian Armitt, Sharon Green, Martin Beer
Zu finden in: Euro-CSCL, 2001
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In this paper, we present ANTS: a collaborative framework that aims to provide a solid foundation for CSCL applications. In section 2 we trace the design evolution of the online learning environment JLE towards the current ANTS platform, in section three we explain the overall architecture of the ANTS system. In section four we present the new JLE 2.0 constructed as an ANTS extension: a collaborative learning environment including services like course management, assessment management, collaboration, progress tracking and tutorware. Finally, we draw interesting conclusions and future trends for the ANTS framework.
Von Gillian Armitt, Sharon Green, Martin Beer im Konferenz-Band Euro-CSCL (2001) im Text ANTS: a new Collaborative Learning Framework CSCW and MOO environments have played an important role in CSCL research. These multi-user community-ware frameworks enhance social interactions and shared experience and thus enabling new CSCL research. We however find some limitations in existing platforms: technology limitations and a lack of solid collaborative services. We present ANTS: a collaborative framework that aims to provide a solid foundation for CSCL applications. In one side, the framework is constructed on top of cutting-edge technologies like J2EE (EJB, JSP, Servlets), Notification services (Elvin, JMS) and XML. In the other side, ANTS provides solid CSCW services that make the system robust and extensible. We also present a concrete ANTS extension: JLE, a collaborative learning environment including services like course management, assessment management, collaboration, progress tracking and tutorware.
Von Gillian Armitt, Sharon Green, Martin Beer im Konferenz-Band Euro-CSCL (2001) im Text ANTS: a new Collaborative Learning Framework Bemerkungen
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Von Beats Bibliothekar, erfasst im Biblionetz am 29.07.2006Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | BSCW , CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , CSCWComputer-supported collaborative work , Lernenlearning , MUDMUD , WebCT , Wiki in educationWiki in education , XML |
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Blackboard, Wiki |
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