Using a CSCL-Driven Shift in Agency to Undertake Educational ReformErstpublikation in: CSCL '99
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Computer supported collaborative learning has the potential for driving educational reform efforts, but there are many challenges to face before achieving that vision. Two of the most critical are achieving teacher buy-in and motivating students to participate in a knowledge-building community. We have developed a new CSCL tool whose flexibility is inspiring good teachers to create exciting new collaborative learning activities, and whose persistence is an enticement to students. We are now attempting to use this tool to leverage a particular kind of educational reform goal: Achieving integration across curricular boundaries.
Von Mark Guzdial, Matthew Realff, Pete Ludovice, Tom Morley, Clayton Kerce, Eric Lyons, Katherine Sukel im Text Using a CSCL-Driven Shift in Agency to Undertake Educational Reform (1999) Bemerkungen
A version of this paper was presented at AERA 99 Session: How can CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) change classroom culture and patterns of interaction among participants? As "Teacher and Student Authoring on the Web for Shifting Agency"
Von Mark Guzdial, Matthew Realff, Pete Ludovice, Tom Morley, Clayton Kerce, Eric Lyons, Katherine Sukel im Text Using a CSCL-Driven Shift in Agency to Undertake Educational Reform (1999) Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Ward Cunningham , Mark Guzdial | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | CoWeb (Collaborative Website)Collaborative Website , CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Kollaboratives Schreibencollaborative writing , Lernenlearning , Schreibenwriting , Wikiwiki , Wiki in educationWiki in education | ||||||||||||||||||
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Schreiben am Computer, swiki |
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3 Erwähnungen
- Recognizing and Supporting Roles in CSCW (Mark Guzdial, Jochen Rick, Bolot Kerimbaev) (2000)
- Using An Unstructured Collaboration Tool to Support Peer Interaction in Large College Classes (David Craig, Saif ul-Haq, Sabir Khan, Craig Zimring, Colleen Kehoe, Jochen Rick, Mark Guzdial) (2000)
- From Usenet to CoWebs (Christopher Lueg, Danyel Fisher) (2002)
- 8. CoWeb - Experiences with Collaborative Web Spaces (Andreas Dieberger, Mark Guzdial)
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