Designing for interaction
Zu finden in: The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2004
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Chapter 2 illustrates that this was certainly not a straightforward implementation - at least from a theoretical viewpoint. At the start of this dissertation the use of roles for instructional support was regarded a ‘cooperative learning’ strategy and proponents of collaborative learning argued that it was too restrictive. As will be shown this argument is beside the point. In this introduction thus far ‘group-based learning’ has been used to refer to CSCL environments and Chapter 2 illustrates that this was done so for a specific reason. Moreover, five critical elements are identified that shape the interaction that can take place in a group-based learning setting; surpassing the uni-dimensional distinction between cooperative and collaborative learning used by most researchers. Moreover, it provides a framework in which functional roles are a valid approach to instructional support in CSCL: its applicability depends on the learning objectives, task type, group size and technology of a specific CSCL environment.
Von Jan-Willem Strijbos in der Dissertation The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (2004) At present, the design of computer-supported group-based learning (CSGBL) is often based on subjective decisions regarding tasks, pedagogy and technology, or concepts such as ‘cooperative learning’ and ‘collaborative learning’. Critical review reveals these concepts as insufficiently substantial to serve as a basis for CSGBL design. Furthermore, the relationship between outcome and group interaction is rarely specified a priori. Thus, there is a need for a more systematic approach to designing CSGBL that focuses on the elicitation of expected interaction processes. A framework for such a process-oriented methodology is proposed. Critical elements that affect interaction are identified: learning objectives, task-type, level of pre-structuring, group size and computer support. The proposed process-oriented method aims to stimulate designers to adopt a more systematic approach to CSGBL design according to the interaction expected, while paying attention to critical elements that affect interaction. This approach may bridge the gap between observed quality of interaction and learning outcomes and foster CSGBL design that focuses on the heart of the matter: interaction.
Von Jan-Willem Strijbos in der Dissertation The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (2004) im Text Designing for interaction Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Pierre Dillenbourg | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Computervermittelte Kommunikationcomputer mediated communication , CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Gruppenarbeitgroup work , Interaktioninteraction , Kommunikationcommunication , Lernenlearning , Pädagogik / Erziehungswissenschaft , Technologietechnology | ||||||||||||||||||
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