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Supporting Self-regulated E-Learning with Visual Topic-Map-Navigation

Andreas Rittershofer
Zu finden in: Knowledge and Information Visualization (Seite 355 bis 363), 2005
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Sigmar-Olaf TerganIn his contribution on "Supporting Self-Regulated E-Learning with Topic-Map Navigation", Andreas Rittershofer describes Topic maps as a means to convey knowledge about resources. Looking for a visualization of the relevant parts of the topic maps to guide the students through huge amounts of information led the author to the development of the LmTM-server, an e-learning server for students at school to support resource-based learning. The information stored in the topic maps is represented in several ways, for example, by means of a concept map-like graph, which is created dynamically out of the topic map. The graph enables the user to visually navigate within the topic map-based information and provides access to information resources associated with the map. The approach is a synergistic approach in the sense that it enhances sense-making of information represented in Topic maps, enables a visual search for information, and provides knowledge-based access to the information represented. It is because of these functions that the approach is suggested to support self-regulated, resource-based learning in e-learning environments.
Von Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Visualizing Knowledge and Information
Knowledge and Information VisualizationTeaching and learning at school is changing: students are expected more and more to organize their learning by themselves and also to be responsible for their learning progress by themselves. This creates new demands on the materials and media used to teach and learn. Fixed linearity is blocking, flexibility a great advantage - but it should not lead to missing structure. Topic maps offer the chance to guide the students through huge amounts of information with a carefully measured mixture of freedom and guidance. Topic maps are a rather abstract idea for the average user, so a way to make them usable with ease has to be found. A visualisation of the relevant parts of the topic maps realizes this in an intuitive usable manner. This lead to the development of the LmTM-server http://www.LmTM.de/, an e-learning-server for students at school. The navigation is realized completely via topic maps. The information stored in the topic maps can be extracted in several ways, for a text-based navigation, a graphical navigation, an alphabetical list of topics and a link list in the page footer. The combination of all these variants gives the user a very comfortable means at hand to explore the information on the LmTM-server.
Von Andreas Rittershofer im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Supporting Self-regulated E-Learning with Visual Topic-Map-Navigation


Beat Döbeli HoneggerLaut dem Paper wollen die SchülerInnen wollen auch in Zukunft selbstgesteuert lernen mit visuellen Topic Maps. Das Paper gibt aber keine Auskunft darüber, ob dies auf die visuellen Topic Maps (Werkzeug) oder das selbstgesteuerte Lernen (Unterrichtsmethode) zurückzuführen ist, oder ob die Motivation auch auf einen Hawthorne-Effekt zurückzuführen ist.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Supporting Self-regulated E-Learning with Visual Topic-Map-Navigation
Knowledge and Information VisualizationAsking the students after having finished a course with self-regulated e-learning using the LmTM-server the students were always very satisfied with this way of learning, they also would prefer learning this way in the future. This demonstrates that the ideas that lead to the development of the LmTM-server are valid and stable: Give the students as much freedom as possible but also offer them a guide through lots of information, so that they are able to transform them to knowledge by themselves.
Von Andreas Rittershofer im Buch Knowledge and Information Visualization (2005) im Text Supporting Self-regulated E-Learning with Visual Topic-Map-Navigation

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KB IB clear
E-LearningE-Learning , Lernenlearning , Ontologieontology , Schuleschool , SVG , Topic MapsTopic Maps , XML

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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe
Bildung, Kinder, LehrerIn, RDF, Topics, Unterricht


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