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Design Principles of Autonomous Agents

Rolf Pfeifer, Christian Scheier
Zu finden in: Understanding Intelligence, 1999  local 
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Rolf PfeiferChristian ScheierIn this chapter, we want to establish the landmarks that further delineate the basic territory of embodied cognitive science. This territory is still rough, and navigating on it is still a challenging endeavor. The design principles provide a conceptual framework, a first step toward a theory of intelligence. Because we are still at the beginning, it is not so much a matter of whether these principles are rightorwrong: Rather, they point to the core issues that need to be researched in this field. In this chapter we give a short overview of all the design principles. This overview provides enough intuition to understand their intention and the general idea. We proceed as follows. First, we discuss the nature and status of the design principles. Second, we elaborate the design principles themselves. Then we discuss the design principles in context: We outline how they are interrelated, and how they compare with the principles underlying other approaches in the field as well as the principles of traditional AI.
Von Rolf Pfeifer, Christian Scheier im Buch Understanding Intelligence (1999) im Text Design Principles of Autonomous Agents

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