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Potential problems of computer-mediated school education

Glenn Russell
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SEC IIIThe growth of on-line capabilities in school education has reflected the overall growth in society. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages. In the twenty-first century, the availability of on-line education increases the possibility that virtual experience will be substituted for reality. There are also concerns that there will be a blurring of appearance and reality, and that cultural imperialism will continue to spread by use of the Web. These factors are considered in terms of the need to establish future guidelines to reduce the adverse impact of the Web on school education.
Von Glenn Russell an der Veranstaltung SEC III (2002) im Text Potential problems of computer-mediated school education
Informatics and the Digital SocietyThe growth of on-line capabilities in school education has reflected the overall growth in society. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages. In the twenty-first century, the availability of on-line education increases the possibility that virtual experience will be substituted for reality. There are also concerns that there will be a blurring of appearance and reality, and that cultural imperialism will continue to spread through use of the World Wide Web. These factors are considered in terms of the need to establish future guidelines to reduce the adverse impact of the Web on school education.
im Buch Informatics and the Digital Society (2003) im Text Potential problems of computer-mediated school education

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