«ChatGPT: What is your IQ?»Jürg Gutknecht
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The hype is huge. Statements like “this is a turning point for our society” and “programmers won’t
be needed in the future anymore” are daily and ubiquitous peans of praise. Of course, the talk is
of ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. Driven by sheer curiosity I decided to give it a chance to heat
up my lukewarm enthusiasm, not to say skepticism, towards “Artificial Intelligence” (AI). Rather
than philosophizing and reasoning deeply and theoretically about the new star on the AI sky, I
wanted to find out ChatGPT’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The first and most obvious idea to learn
of its or his (as I will refer to ChatGPT henceforth) IQ is to ask him directly, and so I did.
Von Jürg Gutknecht im Text «ChatGPT: What is your IQ?» (2023) Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), Generative Pretrained Transformer 4 (GPT-4), GMLS & Bildung, GMLS & Schule |
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