Virtual Schools: A Global PerspectiveNiki Davis, Richard E. Ferdig
Zu finden in: Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Seite 701 bis 718), 2018
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Each year, millions of K-12 students study one or more courses at a distance. Although the highest participation has been from learners in the USA, online flexible and distance K-12 schooling has become available to students from many countries around the globe. Its implementation and evolution is due, in part, to the varied ecosystems in which it appears. It began as a sharing economy; it now includes for-profit, nonprofit, and mixed business models that impact whole education systems and may continue to spread globally. Virtual schooling (VS) research overlaps in some ways with research in both traditional K-12 schooling and postsecondary online education. However, given its unique nature, research also specifically addresses virtual schooling’s benefits, challenges, strategies, services, and varied impacts on educational systems. This chapter provides an organizational perspective on K-12 online distance education. It includes a synthesis of the research and a discussion of the misconceptions of roles and responsibilities. The chapter concludes with a detailed illustration of a nonprofit service, depicted within (Davis 2018, pp. 99–127) Global Arena Framework to clarify its complexity and potential.
Von Niki Davis, Richard E. Ferdig im Buch Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2018) im Text Virtual Schools: A Global Perspective Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Gerald Knezek , Joke Voogt | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | distance learning / Fernunterrichtdistance learning , Geschäftsmodellbusiness model , Schuleschool , Tausch-Ökonomiesharing economy | ||||||||||||||||||
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