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A Snapshot of the First Implementation of Bebras International Informatics Contest in Turkey

Filiz KalelioÄŸlu, Yasemin Gülbahar, Orçun Madran
Zu finden in: ISSEP 2015 (Seite 131 bis 140), 2015 local web 
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ISSEP 2015Computing was perceived as an essential skill for computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians and those from similar disciplines. Today, to the contrary, people of most ages are expected to possess basic computing skills in parallel with the requirements of up-to-date technological tools. To equip students with the necessary skills, computer science courses need to be delivered compulsorily, or at least delivered as a part of another course for almost all age groups and levels. Besides delivering these courses, awareness of this valuable skill is also essential, and for this aim, Olympiads or contests are now held in many countries. Bebras International Contest is one such organisation. In December 2014, Turkey also participated in this contest with 1,788 elementary students from different cities. This paper examines the student performance of the 2014 Bilge Kunduz (the Turkish term for Bebras) International Informatics Contest and explores coordinators´ perceptions about the contest. Based on the student performance and overall success, the average score in Turkey was 65.01 (where scores varied between 0 and 135). According to the perceptions of coordinators, it can be said that the contest was favoured by all coordinators, but that some enhancements to the contest platform are needed.
Von Filiz KalelioÄŸlu, Yasemin Gülbahar, Orçun Madran im Konferenz-Band ISSEP 2015 im Text A Snapshot of the First Implementation of Bebras International Informatics Contest in Turkey (2015)

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